Bill to repeal forest land planning mandate held up in committee
Call Speaker Tillis and request he allow HB 586 to be heard by the Agriculture Committee.
House Bill 586 PUV/Repeal Forest Planning Requirement, introduced by Rep Larry Pittman (R-Cabarrus) and endorsed by the Citizens Constitutional Caucus, is held up in the House Agriculture Committee.
The bill will roll back the control now possessed by the state government over North Carolina tree farmers. This control is based on principles designed by the United Nation’s program of sustainability, which violate the Constitution and private property rights.
We believe HB 586 is beneficial for our state because it will promote freedom in agriculture, reduce unnecessary government control over farmers, and increase productivity in the farming industry. We’re grateful to Rep. Pittman for sponsoring this bill
However, Speaker of the House Thom Tillis has coded House Bill 586 with a color that stops the House Agriculture Committee from putting it on their calendar so they can vote on it.
So far HB 586 has been passed over by a number of bills the committee received after HB 586. These bills include HB 614, HB 628, HB 663, HB 821 and HB 686.
We’re not sure why the Speaker coded the bills the way he did.
In order for HB 586 to make it to the next committee in time, it needs to be heard by the Agriculture Committee by tomorrow.
Otherwise the tree farmers will still have to keep giving the government control of their land.
Therefore we are asking everyone to take time now to pray and call the speaker today to ask him to recode HB 586 to a better color so the Agriculture Committee will vote on it.
Call the Speaker today at (919) 733-3451.
Let him know we’re praying for him. Thank him for his service to the people of North Carolina. Tell him you would like him to recode HB 586 so it will be heard by the committee.
In addition please contact your representative and ask them to support HB 586.
Don R. Watson, M.A.
Citizens Constitutional Caucus
National Coordinator