SEPTEMBER 27TH DOUBLE SYMPOSIUM AM: “THE COMMON CORE CHALLENGE” PM: “THE GOVERNMENT AND YOUR MONEY” HOSTED BY: Citizens Constitutional Caucus 9:00 AM: Welcome – Don R. Watson 9:15: “The Lt Governor’s.
HOW DO WE CONFRONT THE CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS FACING THE REPUBLIC? Many solutions have been suggested but none have come to fruition as of this date. One popular solution that is being proposed.
Discover the Truth – September 28th
YOU ARE INVITED To discover what you were not taught about the Bible, Founding Docs, & how they are correlated. (Correlated – Having a mutual relationship or connection, in which one thing affects or depends.
Seeking Silver Bullet – September 21st
SEEKING THE MAGIC SILVER BULLET Before the Lone Ranger’s “magic silver bullets” there was the constitution. Do you recall Dr. Franklin’s statement upon exiting the Constitutional Convention, “we have given you a Republic, if.
Know Your Constitution. Know Your Rights – September 17th
What is the relevance of the constitution in your life? Is it relevant to you? Do you have questions about the constitution? Bring your constitution questions and/or your response to constitutional questions as we commemorate.